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佛 = 史官所寫 scribe recorded
"Buddha" 時期 period 為 was covered within the "七十個七 70X7"張貼所包 posts.
看看 read also 但以理(七十個七)&耶穌 Daniel (Seventy weeks) & Jesus
看看 read also 西周東周 West and East Zaor
西周 The 841 BC
"Buddha" 時期 period 為 was covered within the "七十個七 70X7"張貼所包 posts.
看看 read also 但以理(七十個七)&耶穌 Daniel (Seventy weeks) & Jesus
看看 read also 西周東周 West and East Zaor
西周 The 841 BC
瞭解 To understand 不同 the different 類 kinds 的 of 意思 the meaning 的 of the "Buddha"
看看 read also 佛祖 Zebudah (Buddha)
匹配一 Construct Chinese 2
瞭解 To understand 不同 the different 類 kinds 的 of 意思 the meaning 的 of the "Buddha"
看看 read also 佛祖 Zebudah (Buddha)
匹配一 Construct Chinese 2
看看 read also 仲國 Second nation of Abraham
仲國 Second nation of Abraham
看看 read also 仲國 Second nation of Abraham
仲國 Second nation of Abraham
"China" 基礎於 was based on "仲國 Second nation of Abraham" 那 that 亞伯拉罕 Abraham 和 and 一些 some of 他的 his 親戚relatives 是 were 迦勒底人 Chaldean. 就此 It was than "chi-na" 表示 meant "迦勒底人的後人 children of Chaldean" that was 不同 different 於 from 其他 other with 非亞伯拉罕的親戚的迦勒底人的 Chaldean 姓氏 family names (陳 Chen, 陳 Chan, 及 and 更多 more) that were not the relatives of Abraham.
看看 read also 彼拉多寫了 Pilate wrote
耶穌 Relating To Jesus
"China" 基礎於 was based on "仲國 Second nation of Abraham" 那 that 亞伯拉罕 Abraham 和 and 一些 some of 他的 his 親戚relatives 是 were 迦勒底人 Chaldean. 就此 It was than "chi-na" 表示 meant "迦勒底人的後人 children of Chaldean" that was 不同 different 於 from 其他 other with 非亞伯拉罕的親戚的迦勒底人的 Chaldean 姓氏 family names (陳 Chen, 陳 Chan, 及 and 更多 more) that were not the relatives of Abraham.
看看 read also 彼拉多寫了 Pilate wrote
耶穌 Relating To Jesus
看看 Read also摩西&物 Moses & Puah
摩西 Relating To Moses
看看 Read also 夏滅三苖 = 夏(亞伯拉罕的祖父)包括三苖 21sp (亞伯拉罕、Haran、夏後)的祖父
三苖, 歸藏易 vs 周易 Combinations within vs Zoar
第一個王掃羅1st King of Israel http://1stkingofisrael.blogspot.com/
在上一個張貼 The post above
看看 Read also Afri-ca = 堯之榮, 堯之苦, 堯滅火。
非洲 Africa
非洲的12個神話 12 Myths in Africa http://12mythsinafrica.blogspot.com/
看看 Read also 王族記錄冊 Records of the families of the kings
聯音一 Associate Sound 1 http://associatesound1.blogspot.com/
In 希伯來文 Hebrew ”滅 takeover”帶來 brought “榮 glory”, “苦 suffering”指 pointed out 擔當 carrying 重負 burden 用 with 苦力 hard toil 去 to 完成 accomplish。秦 Qin ”滅 takeover”六6國 nations, 指 pointed out that 無 no 戰爭 war to 統一 unify 六6國 nations, 開始 began 中心 center 系統 systematically 組織 organized 的國 nation, 中國 center became a nation (從 from 秦 Qin 開始 began in 有 having 皇 emperor, 而 while in 迦南地 Canaan 有 having 王 king)! “焚 burn”書 book, 滅 wipe out = 滅 put out 火 fire, 火 fire = 表揚 praise、宣揚 proclaim, 書 book = 世系 genealogy 故事 stories 檔案 archived 記錄 records,”焚 burn”書 book 指 pointed out 精簡 simplify 統一 unify 世系 genealogy 故事 stories。”坑 bury” 儒 scholars, 坑 = in 希伯來文 Hebrew 指 point at 地獄 Hell (也 also 用 used ”谷 valley”代表 in expressing), 意味著 meaning that 儒 the scholars 在 at 那 that 時 time 面對 faced 最低 the lowest 點 point, 都 all 被 being replaced by 新 the new 一代 generation 的 of 儒 scholars 取代。
申命記 32:22 因為在我怒中有火燒起,直燒到極深的陰間,把地和地的出產盡都焚燒,山的根基也燒著了。
Deuteronomy 32:22 For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains.
路加福音 12:49 「我來要把火丟在地上,倘若已經著起來,不也是我所願意的嗎?
Luke 12:49 I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?
看看 耶穌的預言 From Jesus
耶穌的預言 From Jesus http://artoffromjesus.blogspot.com/
焚 H6919 קָדַח kä·dakh' 引火 to kindle, 被引著 be kindled
坑 H7585 שְׁאוֹל sheh·ōle' 地獄 Hell, 坑 pit, 陰間 sheol, 地府 underworld, 墓 grave
所以 it was the reason that 秦 Qin Dynasty 又 also 稱 called 大 big 川(川指 pointed at 迦南地 Canaan, 意即 meaning 大 the bigger 面積的 in area 迦南地 Canaan, 或 or 離的 the Canaan of the east away from 迦南地 Canaan), the glory of Japeth 在 of 東方 the east 的堯(雅弗)之榮。漢 Han Dynasty 接續 continued 完成 and finished 東 east side in 仲國 the second nation of Abraham 的中心 family names center 系統 systematically 組織 organized 國 nation (中國 center became nation 長 grew 大 bigger)。中心 center 即 meaning the 第2nd代 generation of 姓 family names 的製造的 generation 中心 center。
看看 Read also 川是應許地的聖約3 Covenant 3 (The Promised Land )
記事字 Facts By Wordshttp://factsbywords.blogspot.com/
兩個 two 沒有 no 分別的 difference ways in 合一 combining together, 4逆 counter 時針 clockwise 方向 directions (上 up、左 left、下 down、右 right) = the beginning point of 易 the Change 法 Methods 的開始點(東北 east north/連山易(夏易) Change Method of Nahor、西北 west north/周易 Change Method of Zaor、西南 west south /歸藏易 Change Method of The Promised Land、東南 east south/此網誌 the blog 用 used)。
看看 Read also 個別易法的個別開始點
三苖, 歸藏易 vs 周易 Combinations within vs Zoar
第一個王掃羅1st King of Israel http://1stkingofisrael.blogspot.com/
看看 Read also 九五之尊(座) base of 9 & 5
看看 Read also 有關希伯萊文、中文、中文字、易法等的關系點滴。
光宗耀祖 Honor The Forefathers
光宗耀祖 Honor The Forefathers http://honortheforefathers.blogspot.com/
在 blog 提到「太極圖八卦的開始在750B.C.左右」。太極圖應該是上下兩個有互相輔助的鎖閂, 中央圓形設計的鎖很合理, 可以旋轉。八方放紙各一張, 精簡化為八卦(第二代姓的製造)而不是六十四卦(第一代姓的製造)。是製造古希臘文後接下去的下一個大計畫, 故此基於古希臘文的音有「八字」,「時辰」是鎖閂。「時辰」&「八字」完整了八卦! 再有B0B1+C0C1 = B0C1來自六十四卦(1100B.C.), 也可在演變成八卦前(公元前8世紀)完成, 因為第一代姓的製造似乎不存在有B0C1, 四逆時針方向則有。故此周文王又埃塞俄比亞 Ethiopia 是製造第一代姓、第二代姓、所有語言的源頭。
公元前2000年, 巴比倫尼亞開始用60制, 圓週分為360份, 八方是45為一份。360份(1為一份)是5套(8 + 64)不一樣的群組, 64是不變話, 8可在每360份中有5個不一樣的群組。每360份可在板或皮革上。也可是72(64 + 8)份, 即是8(1+8)的幾乎正方形, 在板或皮革上。
The Tai Chi sign in the center should be about the 2 latches that locks the board or the skin with the papers on to. Each of the 8 directions placed a piece of the Egyptian style paper. It became a set of the 8 (2ND Generation of the family names) base patterns to work with. It was not like the 64 (1ST Generation of the family names) base patterns. It was a big plan after the creation of the ancient Greek. It was then the Tai Chi came from the Greek sounds of the 8 ancient Greek words. The center was the lock but the labeling of the generating term about the time and place of those that were involved in for each set. The superstitious ways came from this. The lost of the original understanding and turned into the matching of the birthdate and time of a male with a female to see if it works out. The major elements kept. B0B1+C0C1 = B0C1 must have begun before the 2ND Generation of the family names and likely be with the 64 (began in the 1100 B.C.) patterns first. The 1ST Generation of the family names did not lean on the B0C1 only. The pattern of the generating from the counter clockwise did exist.
(Wrote the Hebrew name around the clock 4 times on the edges of a square. It carried the single line: the Hebrew reading & reverse Hebrew reading. It carried the multi lines: the Hebrew reading of each alphabet of a name on each line upward & reverse Hebrew reading.)
There were the reverse reading, single alphabet joining, and so on that came from the counter clockwise method. It was then Ethiopia was the only possible for the coming up with the ancient Greek, plus 1ST & 2ND Generation of the family names. The tracing of the flow of the people into the Ethiopia and the writings on the turtle shells reviewed that the alphabets of the south Arabia did mixed with the Ethiopia used language as one. Whether it was as the indicator or for the learning of the alphabet sound. The mix was written by group as in the Chinese character sets.
in about 2000 B.C., the Babylonians began based 60 (360 degrees of a circle) that worked with sets of 8 (45 degrees of a circle) well. As for the 64 as a set, there can be 5 sets of the (64 + 8) in 360 degrees. In this way, where there is a set of 64 will there be a set of 8. Since 64 was fixed set at all times, there can be 5 variations of the set of 8 for each circle. Yet, it still can be 72 as an individual of 8(1 + 8) set like a square on a board or the skin.
看看 拼字 & 拼音與太極圖八卦的線也有關
看看 字母 Alphabets
看看 宗教 Religion
整體概念 The Works Base http://theworksbase.blogspot.com/
摩西 Relating To Moses
看看 Read also 夏滅三苖 = 夏(亞伯拉罕的祖父)包括三苖 21sp (亞伯拉罕、Haran、夏後)的祖父
三苖, 歸藏易 vs 周易 Combinations within vs Zoar
第一個王掃羅1st King of Israel http://1stkingofisrael.blogspot.com/
在上一個張貼 The post above
看看 Read also Afri-ca = 堯之榮, 堯之苦, 堯滅火。
非洲 Africa
非洲的12個神話 12 Myths in Africa http://12mythsinafrica.blogspot.com/
看看 Read also 王族記錄冊 Records of the families of the kings
聯音一 Associate Sound 1 http://associatesound1.blogspot.com/
In 希伯來文 Hebrew ”滅 takeover”帶來 brought “榮 glory”, “苦 suffering”指 pointed out 擔當 carrying 重負 burden 用 with 苦力 hard toil 去 to 完成 accomplish。秦 Qin ”滅 takeover”六6國 nations, 指 pointed out that 無 no 戰爭 war to 統一 unify 六6國 nations, 開始 began 中心 center 系統 systematically 組織 organized 的國 nation, 中國 center became a nation (從 from 秦 Qin 開始 began in 有 having 皇 emperor, 而 while in 迦南地 Canaan 有 having 王 king)! “焚 burn”書 book, 滅 wipe out = 滅 put out 火 fire, 火 fire = 表揚 praise、宣揚 proclaim, 書 book = 世系 genealogy 故事 stories 檔案 archived 記錄 records,”焚 burn”書 book 指 pointed out 精簡 simplify 統一 unify 世系 genealogy 故事 stories。”坑 bury” 儒 scholars, 坑 = in 希伯來文 Hebrew 指 point at 地獄 Hell (也 also 用 used ”谷 valley”代表 in expressing), 意味著 meaning that 儒 the scholars 在 at 那 that 時 time 面對 faced 最低 the lowest 點 point, 都 all 被 being replaced by 新 the new 一代 generation 的 of 儒 scholars 取代。
申命記 32:22 因為在我怒中有火燒起,直燒到極深的陰間,把地和地的出產盡都焚燒,山的根基也燒著了。
Deuteronomy 32:22 For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains.
路加福音 12:49 「我來要把火丟在地上,倘若已經著起來,不也是我所願意的嗎?
Luke 12:49 I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?
看看 耶穌的預言 From Jesus
耶穌的預言 From Jesus http://artoffromjesus.blogspot.com/
焚 H6919 קָדַח kä·dakh' 引火 to kindle, 被引著 be kindled
坑 H7585 שְׁאוֹל sheh·ōle' 地獄 Hell, 坑 pit, 陰間 sheol, 地府 underworld, 墓 grave
所以 it was the reason that 秦 Qin Dynasty 又 also 稱 called 大 big 川(川指 pointed at 迦南地 Canaan, 意即 meaning 大 the bigger 面積的 in area 迦南地 Canaan, 或 or 離的 the Canaan of the east away from 迦南地 Canaan), the glory of Japeth 在 of 東方 the east 的堯(雅弗)之榮。漢 Han Dynasty 接續 continued 完成 and finished 東 east side in 仲國 the second nation of Abraham 的中心 family names center 系統 systematically 組織 organized 國 nation (中國 center became nation 長 grew 大 bigger)。中心 center 即 meaning the 第2nd代 generation of 姓 family names 的製造的 generation 中心 center。
看看 Read also 川是應許地的聖約3 Covenant 3 (The Promised Land )
記事字 Facts By Wordshttp://factsbywords.blogspot.com/
兩個 two 沒有 no 分別的 difference ways in 合一 combining together, 4逆 counter 時針 clockwise 方向 directions (上 up、左 left、下 down、右 right) = the beginning point of 易 the Change 法 Methods 的開始點(東北 east north/連山易(夏易) Change Method of Nahor、西北 west north/周易 Change Method of Zaor、西南 west south /歸藏易 Change Method of The Promised Land、東南 east south/此網誌 the blog 用 used)。
看看 Read also 個別易法的個別開始點
三苖, 歸藏易 vs 周易 Combinations within vs Zoar
第一個王掃羅1st King of Israel http://1stkingofisrael.blogspot.com/
看看 Read also 九五之尊(座) base of 9 & 5
看看 Read also 有關希伯萊文、中文、中文字、易法等的關系點滴。
光宗耀祖 Honor The Forefathers
光宗耀祖 Honor The Forefathers http://honortheforefathers.blogspot.com/
在 blog 提到「太極圖八卦的開始在750B.C.左右」。太極圖應該是上下兩個有互相輔助的鎖閂, 中央圓形設計的鎖很合理, 可以旋轉。八方放紙各一張, 精簡化為八卦(第二代姓的製造)而不是六十四卦(第一代姓的製造)。是製造古希臘文後接下去的下一個大計畫, 故此基於古希臘文的音有「八字」,「時辰」是鎖閂。「時辰」&「八字」完整了八卦! 再有B0B1+C0C1 = B0C1來自六十四卦(1100B.C.), 也可在演變成八卦前(公元前8世紀)完成, 因為第一代姓的製造似乎不存在有B0C1, 四逆時針方向則有。故此周文王又埃塞俄比亞 Ethiopia 是製造第一代姓、第二代姓、所有語言的源頭。
公元前2000年, 巴比倫尼亞開始用60制, 圓週分為360份, 八方是45為一份。360份(1為一份)是5套(8 + 64)不一樣的群組, 64是不變話, 8可在每360份中有5個不一樣的群組。每360份可在板或皮革上。也可是72(64 + 8)份, 即是8(1+8)的幾乎正方形, 在板或皮革上。
The Tai Chi sign in the center should be about the 2 latches that locks the board or the skin with the papers on to. Each of the 8 directions placed a piece of the Egyptian style paper. It became a set of the 8 (2ND Generation of the family names) base patterns to work with. It was not like the 64 (1ST Generation of the family names) base patterns. It was a big plan after the creation of the ancient Greek. It was then the Tai Chi came from the Greek sounds of the 8 ancient Greek words. The center was the lock but the labeling of the generating term about the time and place of those that were involved in for each set. The superstitious ways came from this. The lost of the original understanding and turned into the matching of the birthdate and time of a male with a female to see if it works out. The major elements kept. B0B1+C0C1 = B0C1 must have begun before the 2ND Generation of the family names and likely be with the 64 (began in the 1100 B.C.) patterns first. The 1ST Generation of the family names did not lean on the B0C1 only. The pattern of the generating from the counter clockwise did exist.
(Wrote the Hebrew name around the clock 4 times on the edges of a square. It carried the single line: the Hebrew reading & reverse Hebrew reading. It carried the multi lines: the Hebrew reading of each alphabet of a name on each line upward & reverse Hebrew reading.)
There were the reverse reading, single alphabet joining, and so on that came from the counter clockwise method. It was then Ethiopia was the only possible for the coming up with the ancient Greek, plus 1ST & 2ND Generation of the family names. The tracing of the flow of the people into the Ethiopia and the writings on the turtle shells reviewed that the alphabets of the south Arabia did mixed with the Ethiopia used language as one. Whether it was as the indicator or for the learning of the alphabet sound. The mix was written by group as in the Chinese character sets.
in about 2000 B.C., the Babylonians began based 60 (360 degrees of a circle) that worked with sets of 8 (45 degrees of a circle) well. As for the 64 as a set, there can be 5 sets of the (64 + 8) in 360 degrees. In this way, where there is a set of 64 will there be a set of 8. Since 64 was fixed set at all times, there can be 5 variations of the set of 8 for each circle. Yet, it still can be 72 as an individual of 8(1 + 8) set like a square on a board or the skin.
看看 拼字 & 拼音與太極圖八卦的線也有關
看看 字母 Alphabets
看看 宗教 Religion
整體概念 The Works Base http://theworksbase.blogspot.com/